Autor Wątek: Problem with Liskow and the train 88330  (Przeczytany 82682 razy)

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Odp: Problem with Liskow and the train 88330
« Odpowiedź #15 dnia: 21 Lipiec 2013, 19:23:49 »
Czytam je, dziękuję, ale problemem jest to, zaraz po I zapytać i uzyskać zgodę na tranzyt pociągu 68301, w porządku, do tego stopnia, że przejeżdża pociąg, po tym, że pociąg zatrzymuje się w kolejce do Bordek. Dlaczego?

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Odp: Problem with Liskow and the train 88330
« Odpowiedź #16 dnia: 22 Lipiec 2013, 13:18:39 »
The blocking instruments to Borek are different from those to Lisków.
1. You have to call Borek, and ask for permission "żądanie poz."
2. You have to turn on the blockade for yore direcion. "Wbl"
3. After departure, (exactly after passing the light signal) the blockade will self block to red.

In the direction from Borek, the procedure is almost the same as from Lisków.


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Odp: Problem with Liskow and the train 88330
« Odpowiedź #17 dnia: 22 Lipiec 2013, 21:10:03 »
I get that. The problem that I would make is this: immediately after the train take the full line to 68301 Borek, freezes and I hear the sounds. What is the solution to this problem? Thank you!

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Odp: Problem with Liskow and the train 88330
« Odpowiedź #18 dnia: 23 Lipiec 2013, 10:45:03 »
I can't... yyyy..  I don't know.

Save yore progress:
Symulacja -> zapisz stan symulacji jako

And put it here. It will be the best way.

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Odp: Problem with Liskow and the train 88330
« Odpowiedź #19 dnia: 23 Lipiec 2013, 12:38:51 »
Hello, here is the file saved with the problem highlighted by me. Who knows what the problem is. Thank you!

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Odp: Problem with Liskow and the train 88330
« Odpowiedź #20 dnia: 23 Lipiec 2013, 14:04:38 »

I get it now...
You did everything right.
The problem is in the... "patryk1_testowo2" time table that you playing.

Author of the timetable, has wrongly insert a locomotive.
He insert a diesel engine, whit electro parameter, so the simulator read it, as a electric engine. The track to Borek is whiteout a electric cable above it (only for steam and diesel).
So as you see in the radio talks, the mechanist said:
08:50] 68301: Testowo do 68301, wpuœci³eœ mnie na tor bez sieci trakcyjnej!
"Testowo, you have push me on the track without electric cable".
