And if it is POL1 to be red?
When youre train will drive in the next station, the Po1L block will change white. That means, that you can drive next train on the track between Testowo & Lisków.
Remember, the first thing to do, if you want to drive a train on the track to Lisków or Borek is to ask by the telephone if the dispatcher from Lisków or Borek agree for it. That is the one of the importent rules on polish railways on the one track between stations. (maybe on other european also, I don't know...)
More of that...
The block Po1L works whit Ko block on Lisków.
When the train is leaving yore station you have to push the Po1L button. Than, the Po1L block od yore station goes red, and Ko block on Lisków.
When the train will run intergally to Lisków, dispatcher will block the KO block, unblocking yore Po1L block...
The same thing will be in the other way. Lisków will telephone to you, asking for a "free route" for his train. You have to agree on the telephone, push tyhe Poz1L button that will light the block frame to red. (poz. - pozwolenie = permission)
When the train will leave Lisków, the Ko block frame will change to red... Than, put the signal to the station (green buttons for trains, white buttons for maneuvers). When the train, will be in your station, you have to block the Ko block, that will notice to Lisków, the train drive to you safely and the track between you is clear.
Here is a little dictionary for the telephones and radio talks...
the left side - telephone
słucham - something like hello, for the beginning of the conversation
przyjąłem - I accepted
żądanie poz. - A question "if the trak is clear for my train # ..... ?"
żądanie poz. szl. ... - DON'T USE IT!. You should know over 150 pages of instructions for using it...
Danie poz. - Agree "The track is clear for yore train # ...... "
Stój - The answer "Hold yore train, yore train #..... can't start"
Odjazd - "Train #...... have leave the station on time hh:mm"
Przyjazd - "Train #..... have arrive to me on time hh:mm".
Zatrzymać - "Stop the train #..... !" This is more like alarm stop...
Zatrzymany - "Train #..... was stopped."
Zamknij - If you use it whit neighbor station, you will close the track between you for some reason, maintenance, failures ect...
Otwórz - opening the track
right side - radio
Wywołaj - you choose train #, and call it
Słychać dobrze - some times, the engine-driver will call you asking if radio is working fine (jak mnie słychać, próba radia), you should push that button then. It means "I'm hearing you fine".
Sometimes, engine-driver will ask what whil the signal on the first semaphore.
Wjazd podany - "the signal is permitting the entry to station"
Na razie bez wjazdu - "the signal for entry to the station is on STOP"
Do mnie & ode mnie - this is for the maneuvers.
The other thing... I don't have an idea how to translate it... o_O
Szanownych użytkowników proszę o nie nabijanie się z mojego angielskiego...