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Wiadomości - re2104

Strony: [1]
Testowo / Odp: Problem with Liskow and the train 88330
« dnia: 23 Lipiec 2013, 12:38:51 »
Hello, here is the file saved with the problem highlighted by me. Who knows what the problem is. Thank you!

Testowo / Odp: Problem with Liskow and the train 88330
« dnia: 22 Lipiec 2013, 21:10:03 »
I get that. The problem that I would make is this: immediately after the train take the full line to 68301 Borek, freezes and I hear the sounds. What is the solution to this problem? Thank you!

Testowo / Odp: Problem with Liskow and the train 88330
« dnia: 21 Lipiec 2013, 19:23:49 »
Czytam je, dziękuję, ale problemem jest to, zaraz po I zapytać i uzyskać zgodę na tranzyt pociągu 68301, w porządku, do tego stopnia, że przejeżdża pociąg, po tym, że pociąg zatrzymuje się w kolejce do Bordek. Dlaczego?

Testowo / Odp: Problem with Liskow and the train 88330
« dnia: 19 Lipiec 2013, 21:27:33 »
Good evening, one last question: How They Work departures and arrivals to and from Borek? Thank you!

Testowo / Odp: Problem with Liskow and the train 88330
« dnia: 18 Lipiec 2013, 21:08:07 »
Hello, how do you change number and timetable of the train?

Testowo / Odp: Problem with Liskow and the train 88330
« dnia: 04 Lipiec 2013, 21:46:12 »
And if it is POL1 to be red?

Testowo / Problem with Liskow and the train 88330
« dnia: 03 Lipiec 2013, 22:06:36 »
Good evening, I want one thing: to get the train Liskow 88311, which crosses the Testowo 88330, which goes towards Liskow. Now, let the first train I pressed the button Poz1L to bring into the station 88311. Then, how do you reverse the block? Why then after I turn on the red light KoT on the framework and I do not know how to do. Someone can help me? Thank you!

Strony: [1]